C a r g a n d o . . .

IT services for businesses

Web Development

We design and build the website for your company. Developments with WordPress and other CMS or custom code 100%.

Software development

Development and refactoring of customised software completely adapted to the needs of your company.


Maintenance and management of your company's IT infrastructure. Design and implementation of networks and backup solutions.

Web hosting and e-mail

We host and manage your website on high performance servers, including email with your company domain.


IT consultancy service for companies. Assistance in the digitisation processes of your company, increasing its security, productivity and organisation.

Expertise and audit

IT expertise and audit service with a report issued and signed by a qualified IT engineer with legal validity before insurance and/or legal authorities.

Web Development

Thanks to the technology of the content management systems (CMS), your business can have a fully hosted website with a functionalprofessional y attractive at little time and with a lower investment than customised websites.

We have extensive experience working with the main CMSs on the market, such as WordPress. One of the most popular, widespread and widely used CMSs for millions of websites in the world, some of them from top-tier companies such as Microsoft®, Adobe®, CNN, Danone® or even the premium car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz®.

We also make custom modifications and refactorings to complement your website. Find out how your business can have a presence on the Internet in a way that is professionalattractive y adapted to all types of devices digital by much less than he imagines.


Bring out the full potential of your website

At Netrotec we not only take care of from web developmentwe help you to scope its objectives with its presence on the Internet. From the very first moment we will analyse the particularities of your project and we will we will help with the image you want your website to project to your customers. customers.

Following the roll-out of its website we continue to work with your company with various services such as supportmaintenancesecurity copies and even tools to improve the positioning and the visibility from your brand and your website.

Software Development

Do you know the benefits of customised software?

Custom software development is one that has been designed from scratch and exclusively for a specific or general purpose. Every business has its particularities by their way of work and organiseto have a proprietary software tool to assist the management of the internal processes of the company and even to its link with their customers not only provides a greater productivity y quality of service but revalue its brand name thanks to this exclusivity that is not going to have its competition.

Netrotec has been implementing tailor-made software solutions for its customers for years in many formats: applications webapplications, applications of deskmobiles and even applications hybrids.

The characteristics that must be considered in a customised software project are enormous: what objectives you want to achieve, the environment in which you want to use it, the sector of activity, the number of users, etc. Our computer engineers can guide you and advise you in choosing the best architecture e infrastructure to turn your project into a reality for your business. 

Maximum personalisation

Your company software, fine-tuned to the smallest detail
Developing a customised application requires a very detailed level of personalisation and customisation to adapt to all the needs it demands. It is therefore a great option for businesses with very specific requirements.


Prevent attacks and vulnerabilities in your company's ICT systems.
Bespoke software is made individually and is not distributed on a mass scale. It is therefore less likely to fall victim to attacks by hackers on a massive scale. In addition, we place special emphasis on the digital security of our software when we develop it.


Compatibility with the organisation's existing ICT infrastructure.
The integration of the new software can have the level of compatibility with your existing digital business infrastructure that you desire, allowing any new elements to be easily integrated into your digital platform.

Training and support

We provide training and advice for your employees.
Having developed each of the functionalities of your software system allows us to orientate and adapt it to the needs and preferences of your organisation, so the level of attention, training and support is much higher than with general software.


Your software system can grow over time.
Having 100% control of the source code of your software system will allow future refactorings to be carried out to adapt it to new circumstances and needs at much lower costs than an implementation from scratch.


Exploit the full potential of having a unique tool in your business.
Acquiring a custom-designed software for your business will allow you to use new technologies to exploit possibilities with a tool that your competitors do not have, offering you a competitive advantage over the rest.

Don't adapt to the software, make the software adapt to you

Taking the step to implement a computer software in your company is a important decision and not to be taken lightly. A incorrect implementation in your organisation's ICT can have consequences disastrous.

At Netrotec we are specialists with extensive experience developing applications, both in-house and for third parties. We are delighted to get to know your idea and see how we can help you.

You can request information about our custom software development service for your business. Our development department will contact you to determine the best solution for your business.

IT support and maintenance for companies and businesses

Do you know the benefits of customised software?

At Netrotec we are professionals computer systems with a wide-ranging experience in the IT management and maintenance for companies and professionals. Our wide repertoire of services for your business will cover almost all needs that your IT infrastructure may require.

We have solutions for the supply and maintenance from hardware. We take care of supply y configure wide variety of software of the market. We design and implement your company's network. We even have a rapid remote assistance service to solve most problems.

We also carry out installation and configuration of backup copy to safeguard your company's data, we analyse and advise on how to improve your company's digital security of your company and implement customised software to meet specific business needs. 

POS Solutions

We supply and configure both software and hardware for the point of sale of your business.


Repair and maintenance of computer systems. Your equipment will always be ready for when you need it.


Prevent accidental loss of your company's data and its associated problems with our backup systems.


We design and implement communications networks for your business. Both physical and logical infrastructure.

Software licences

Avoid the risks of using illegitimate software. We have a wide range of genuine software licences.

Remote assistance

Discover our remote support service that will resolve most incidents in a few minutes.


We supply and configure servers for professional use. We work with both Windows® Server and GNU Linux family.


We have a wide range of computer products, hardware and consumables at competitive prices.

Find out how ICT can take your business to the next level

The new technologies offer your business an unimaginable range of possibilities which will allow you to reaching out to new horizons professionals who I would never have imagined.

Increase the productivity of your company and reach potential customers beyond physical geographic boundaries thanks to the Internet.

At Netrotec we are specialists in advising and directing the business towards the challenge of digital transformation serving all kinds of digital solutions that will help you achieve its objectives.

Web hosting and e-mail

High performance hosting

The importance of having a website to give your company a presence on the Internet is fundamental, to the point of considering that a company without a presence on the Internet is a company that does not exist.

Nowadays, any potential customer uses the Internet to find products and services. The Web offers instant information with great precision, thanks to different implicit services that allow us to segment results, geo-position both clients and companies and even know the behavioural habits, tastes and preferences of users. In short: the Internet knows absolutely everything about us. Having a website to reach potential customers is essential if our business is not to be left out of the game..

Why choose hosting with Netrotec?

The hosting infrastructure we provide at Netrotec offers a high performance distributed environment with servers hosted in Data Centres across Europe. We guarantee an uptime of 99.9% and include a service of unlimited email accounts of up to 2GB each. Unlike other providers, Netrotec does not count email space as hosting space consumed. Additional email plans are also available with up to 50GB of space per account.

While other providers may offer a hosting service at lower prices, the performance and quality of the servers are far below the characteristics of the servers we use at Netrotec. Hiring a server with inferior performance can result in slower loading times, errors and, in short, a worse user experience that can end up frustrating our customers and make them prefer to consult the same product or service from another website. Not only that, but the search engines themselves can penalise the positioning of our website due to these latencies and bad experiences in loading time, which could result in a loss of money if we are investing in SEO and other positioning techniques for our website, with costs much higher than the savings that, a priori, these alternatives may appear to offer.

Netrotec offers your company exceptional web hosting with unrivalled quality and security criteria and at very competitive prices, from 10€ per month.

We take care of everything

Moving your domains or migrating your websites and emails can be a very costly task in terms of time and money if not done correctly. 

Contact us without obligation to find out about our hosting and email service and we will advise you on how to carry out the whole process in the most optimised way, prioritising the minimum impact, both on your productivity and internal organisation, as well as on the experience of your customers.

We are so confident in the quality of our service that we are the only web hosting provider that does not charge penalties of any kind for cancellation. You can deactivate the service and resume it at any time without additional costs. 


What can we do for your business?

How can an IT consultancy help you?

The digital transformation is a necessary process and the best way to carry it out is by the hand of professionals that can for advice y to assist him in the digital field. The IT consulting is the discipline that can help keep this process from becoming a headache for you and your business.

What elements need to be digitised?

The first response What you need to know is which elements and processes of your business are susceptible to digitisation. Should it be everything? Should it be the most critical processes? Digitisation requires a investment and it is expected that we will make a profit which amortise that investment. Therefore, the first thing the IT consultant must know is the internal workings of your company in order to assess in which aspects the new technologies could contribute to your company's success. value to your business.


Digitisation projects too long over time can make them at some point in time to be interrupted and we miss out on the benefits we would have achieved in the long term. The right approach to digitisation strategy must offer incremental results This offers an added benefit, namely the possibility of developing this digitisation framework in line with new technologies emerging on the market.

Your customers can be the key

There are more than a few occasions on which the customers of businesses are the ones that indicate the needs and give us indicators of where to direct the efforts of the business. Decisions within the different business processes can be directed, or at least guided by them. Through the digitisationyour business can analyse These customer profiles can be better defined, even allowing for the development of predictive analytics to guide us on the needs that their customers might have in the short, medium and long term, thus allowing us to obtain competitive advantage against its competitors by having a market study.

Automate internal processes

The automation of processes, in addition to optimising your work, facilitates the economic aspects of your business. Thanks to it, you will be able to manage functions such as controlling payments to banks, suppliers, automated invoicing, or any other type of management that needs to be carried out on time. In this way, you can redirect the efforts you used to dedicate to these tasks to other processes that add value to your business.

Commitment is the key

The benefits of digitisation of your business are many, but it requires a commitment by all and at all levels.

Engage everyoneIt is not only the business management that needs to see the benefits of digitalisation. It is important that each employee be seen in the same way and be offered the opportunity to appropriate training for adapt to the changes brought about by the digitisation of your business.

Security is non-negotiableDigital environments must meet a series of conditions that guarantee their security against failures or risks. The protection of all your company's data is fundamental and at Netrotec one of our premises is, above all, the privacy and security of the companies that trust us.

IT expertise and auditing

The importance of an audit

Constant exposure to the Internet and its threats or the very electronic nature of computing devices means that incidents can sometimes occur. Every day, thousands of companies are attacked by hackers and suffer significant financial losses. 

Can you guarantee the integrity of your company's data? Accidental breakage of data storage media, such as hard disks, often leads to losses in the millions of dollars. Identifying risks and implementing mechanisms to prevent them or minimise their impact should they occur is essential to consolidate our company in the long term. 

It is no less important to have a qualified computer expert in order to issue an expert report with judicial validity in the event of a legal claim, to determine the nature of the damage and the degree of responsibility of each of the parties. Having an expert report signed by a qualified computer engineer is essential if we want his or her opinion to be admissible in court.  

At Netrotec we have qualified computer engineers specialised in auditing and quality of computer systems who can carry out the computer audit of your business and issue a report with the conclusions, and can even advise you and accompany you in the process of implementing all the recommendations or correcting any deficiencies detected. They can also assist you in obtaining an expert report valid for legal authorities or an insurance company.

Expertise and audit service

If you require the services of an IT engineer, either for an audit of your IT ecosystem or to obtain a valid expert document, you can contact us without obligation. 

We are a professional, serious and reliable company. We will thoroughly analyse your case and advise you through a close procedure, transmitting all the information in a transparent manner and safeguarding your confidentiality at all times.