IT expertise and auditing

The importance of an audit

Constant exposure to the Internet and its threats or the very electronic nature of computing devices means that incidents can sometimes occur. Every day, thousands of companies are attacked by hackers and suffer significant financial losses. 

Can you guarantee the integrity of your company's data? Accidental breakage of data storage media, such as hard disks, often leads to losses in the millions of dollars. Identifying risks and implementing mechanisms to prevent them or minimise their impact should they occur is essential to consolidate our company in the long term. 

It is no less important to have a qualified computer expert in order to issue an expert report with judicial validity in the event of a legal claim, to determine the nature of the damage and the degree of responsibility of each of the parties. Having an expert report signed by a qualified computer engineer is essential if we want his or her opinion to be admissible in court.  

At Netrotec we have qualified computer engineers specialised in auditing and quality of computer systems who can carry out the computer audit of your business and issue a report with the conclusions, and can even advise you and accompany you in the process of implementing all the recommendations or correcting any deficiencies detected. They can also assist you in obtaining an expert report valid for legal authorities or an insurance company.

Expertise and audit service

If you require the services of an IT engineer, either for an audit of your IT ecosystem or to obtain a valid expert document, you can contact us without obligation. 

We are a professional, serious and reliable company. We will thoroughly analyse your case and advise you through a close procedure, transmitting all the information in a transparent manner and safeguarding your confidentiality at all times.